Hope Cafe - Training local young people
As I write this article I can’t believe that it’s been 3 months since we opened the doors to Hope Cafe. A long held dream, to open a Cafe for Teen Challenge Tasmania as a social enterprise and a real life training ground for young people to learn hospitality in a supportive environment no matter what struggles they may be facing and to connect with our community on a different level.
The story of the journey to build and open the cafe is one that clearly shows God’s hand and favour in every aspect. The generous funding received just 3 days before the end of last financial year by a very faithful family that wanted to support a project we had and felt led to provide the full funds to ensure this project happened. They said they had watched us for years now and saw that we did do exactly what we said we would do and they wanted to support the vision we had with this social enterprise.
The generous support, time and skills of faithful men and women in Mobile Mission Maintenance (MMM) to demolish internal fixtures and rebuild the beautiful space it is today. The tireless work of our friend Tony and his friends to complete work within the project to make it happen, including getting his wife (one of our Board Members) to help lay the hybrid flooring in the seating areas.
Our dear friend Trevor, a talented and experienced person in the food retail and hospitality industry, designing the layout of the cafe to be functional and aesthetically pleasing, combing op shops for ecclectic pieces My Dad who built the tables and put up shelves and many other fiddly last minute adjustments. Services of S Group to design and draw up plans for the project. A financial contribution from a bequest from Art van der Hek from his family towards building works within our overall project assisted in some unexpected aspects of this project to bring it to completion and it was lovely to have his son, daughter and son-in-law present at our Grand Opening.
There is a multitude of people that have helped in this project, I am going to miss someone and I apologize now, however knowing most people within this project they didn’t help for the recognition, they helped for the impact it is going to have and is having in young peoples lives, they are a part of their futures.
We received professional support and direction from the Launceston City Council Planning & Health Departments. They worked alongside us to work through challenges and find solutions within the project. We had some significant delays like every building project these days and would like to thank Brendan & Emma Buist of General Metal Products and their team for the great work and modifications for our stainless steel work in the Project. Steve Mackrell for his talent and skills in finishing the last requirements to ensure we were ready for inspection.
The final inspection was a feat in itself too. I was not 100% sure of the final checking procedure of the project. I understood we needed final sign off of the Project by the Planning Department and of course the Health Department, so I booked the Planning Dept inspection for Thursday at 2pm and the Health Dept inspection for 9am on Friday. If we gained approval I was going to open on Saturday, we had already commenced training a group of young people for the cafe, so I had them ready in the wings, I took the plunge and ordered a supply of products for the display cabinets on the Friday just in case, worst case I could freeze them.
The Planning representative arrived on time and completed their inspection everything was in order, tick. But then I learnt that to gain approval we also required sign off for the plumbing of the project and the inspector was unable to come and after I connected with their office, discovered there may be a delay in doing so as they did not have the paperwork from us for this aspect of the project. I located the missing form and by this time it was late in the afternoon. Steve, our plumber agreed for me to swing past his house that evening to sign off the form for me, tick.
The next morning 9am the Health Dept representative arrived and conducted their very thorough inspection. I am quite a detailed person so I had prepared a fair amount of documentation in advance ie menu, suppliers etc which was appreciated and aided in the process. This paperwork was completed and approval was given provided I showed a probe thermometer had been purchased and paid the fee that day, tick.
Imemdiately after this meeting I walked up to the Council to speak with the Plumbing inspector, he was unavailable and it didn’t give me confidence that I was going to be able to get this inspection completed on this day. I gained his email address and sent an email detailing the project, where we were up to and requested if there was any opportunity at all for an inspection that day we were ready and a bunch of very excited young people would be ecstatic if it could happen. 10mins later I received a call and I was told he could squeeze me in in 30 mins! He arrived and we passed that inspection, he promised to get his paperwork in immediately for processing, tick!
At around 1pm I received the paperwork from the Health Dept and the invoice for the fee, which I raced down to the Council and paid, sending the receipt through and a photo of our shiny new probe thermometer (which is our best friend in the Cafe I might add). At around 2.30pm we received notification that our permit was approved, (Happy Dance inserted here!) and it was all systems go, Fridges stocked, POS systems connected, staff roster finalised, trips to buy food for the start up was constant that afternoon. Facebook posts completed for the news to get out.
6am the following morning the first team was in the cafe, building sandwiches, prepping the Bezzera Eagle Coffee Machine (that’s a whole other story for another day), excitement all round, opening prayers and thanks given for the multitude of individuals and companies that made this moment a reality. Today a dream was brought to life and we have had such an amazing journey all ready. So many stories to share, but again that’s for another time or perhaps over a cup of coffee when you come into the store.
We’re open Monday to Saturday 7am - 4.30pm soon we will be opening on a Sunday too from the 25th June 7.30am - 2.30pm now complete with a larger, Health Dept approved All Day Menu including more substanstial Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch options like Avocado & Halloumi Stack, Egg & Bacon Turkish Roll, The Perfect Start, Coconut Chia, Bircher Muesli, Poached Eggs, in house made Vanilla Slice & French Vanilla Slice that you simply must try to believe how creamy they are, Custard Tarts, Freshly made Scones and Biscuits. Oh did I mention we now stock Scottsdale Bakery Pies & Pasties including their famous Curried Scallop Pies?
Come and check out the comfy, welcoming space and encourage a young person learing and growing in this area.
If you would like to support this social enterprise please contact me at tanya@teenchallengetasmania.org or if you would like to financially contribute via a tax deductible donation you can do so via PayPal here or come and join us for something delicious and keep an eye out for our new App arriving soon that will enable you to order online for pick up or to have ready for your arrival to sit down and eat instore.
Bon Appetit