Making a difference
#NotEvenOnce® Projects
#NotEvenOnce® Projects are unique seminars and forums, focusing on demand reduction, a vital component of the National Drug Strategy 2017/2026.
#NotEvenOnce® Projects are available for schools, sporting clubs, workplaces and communities.
Our #NotEvenOnce® Schools seminars are created within the framework of the Australian Curriculum and are presented using creative pedagogy.
#NotEvenOnce® Schools seminars are delivered into Primary and High Schools and Colleges, the comprehensive seminars provide students and teachers with current scientific, medical and statistical information on the issues surrounding drug and alcohol use, particularly on the impact of AOD use on the developing brain.
#NotEvenOnce® Sporting Club, Workplace Solutions and Community Projects reach in a similar way however seminars are tailored to different audiences and needs.
Utilising coalface experience of intervention and rehabilitation; interwoven with personal stories of staff working in the AOD space and graduates that have walked in addiction, the seminars provide powerful learning forums, empowering students to choose to say no to drugs and alcohol and have a solid context for this choice.
What #NotEvenOnce is not, is a glorification of substance use and its related lifestyle.
Teen Challenge Australia's experience in rehabilitation places us in a unique position to speak with authority on the very real consequences of substance use which can have life long, irreversible damage to physical, mental, emotional and relational areas of a persons life. For many it can end their lives, which we see on a daily basis throughout Australia.
Many of our graduates are personally still facing these consequences, rehabilitation is not a guarantee to cure all consequences or likelihood of relapse of substance abuse.
The most valid option is to choose to not go there in the first place #NotEvenOnce®
What do people say about it?
"I found the whole seminar brilliant, it's the best one I've seen in this space. I especially liked how you weren't all doom and gloom. You wrapped it up well, giving kids hope in this area. Your focus on resilience really gave them options, that life isn't always easy but here's ways you can work through it.” (Teacher)
“The info targeted my heart. In the past week I have told a few of my friends what drugs are doing to their brains and body.”
(Yr 7 Student)
“Based on pre and post results, the seminar was significantly effective in increasing the knowledge, understanding about the connection between behaviours and values, and the likelihood of not engaging with alcohol and drugs.” Independent Evaluation, Australian University
Please note: Teen Challenge Tasmania, whilst a faith-based organisation, respects the secular environment of state schools, all our schools based programs are secular unless requested to deliver a non-secular version within non-secular schools.
#NotEvenOnce® School Seminar in action.
Check out the video for more information about the #NotEvenOnce® Schools Projects