Frequently Asked Questions
Below please find a list of FAQ's about Teen Challenge Tasmania and its operations, we continually update this list with new questions that come to hand.
Should you not find the question you are looking for or seek further information then please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Director, Tanya Cavanagh on 0412 300 850 or
Teen Challenge Tasmania Programs
Question: What do the funds raised through Hope Costumes & Thrift Store support?
All funds raised through our Hope Costumes & Thrift Store support the operation and work of all our Teen Challenge Tasmania current programs including Connections Mentoring, #NotEvenOnce Drug Education & Resillience Building Projects, Meaningful Art Youth Art Therapy Groups, Arrowsmith Program, Solutions Program, Youth Retail workplace training within Hope Costumes & Thrift Store, support & facilitation of entry into rehabilitation centres for individuals & families and more.
Question: Do your youth programs have religious content?
Many of our programs do not include Christian content such as Meaningful Arts, Connections Mentoring, Arrowsmith and #NotEvenOnce Projects unless they are being delivered in/to non-secular organisations/parties. Any youth program that includes Christian content is clearly presented to parents and participants prior to involvement and parental permission for under 18’s is required before youth enter into any program. Teen Challenge Tasmania, is a recognised Christian organisation, for programs delivered in our own premises that do not directly include religious content, there will be Christian aspects to our premises, environment and the group leaders who hold a Christian faith. This is clearly explained to all participants, volunteers, parents/caregivers/guardians, organisations and staff before involvement with one of our programs/organisation.
Question: Can I volunteer?
As a not-for-profit organisation we are always in need of volunteers to help us keep overheads low and ensure we can offer services to those in need. There are many areas you can help from our Hope Costumes & Thrift Store, Administration, Tip runs, Data Entry, Program support team members, Cleaning, Mentors, Maintainence, Social media and the list goes on. If you have skills in any areas and want to give time then please connect with us @ lets talk. Also we are registered as a Voluntary Work Organisation with Centrelink so we volunteering can help with this area if its relevant to you. Volunteers will require a current Working with Vulnerable People Card, National Police Check and a few other reqirements that we will help you with.
Question: Can I hire the Gasworx Theatre?
The Gasworx Theatre is our beautiful Art Deco styled 50 seat capacity upstairs area at 90 St John Street and restoration has nearly been completed. Very soon we will be offering the space for hire to individuals, groups and corporates for seminars, theatre space, workshops, training, meeting space and more with all funds raised through here going to our work. For further information contact us today @
FAQ for future Home of Hope - Women & Childrens Rehab Centre
Question: Is Teen Challenge Tasmania's, Home of Hope a "refuge" or a "rehab"??
" Home of Hope is a Rehabilitation Centre for women who have both made a decision and taken real steps to overcome addiction and life controlling issues. Home of Hope is not a Women’s Refuge or Shelter.
The function of a residential rehabilitation centre is very different from a shelter or refuge. Those wanting rehabilitation are reaching out for help to make a life change in overcoming addictions and life controlling problems, conversely a shelter or refuge is primarily to provide urgent and immediate protection to the client.”
Statement: As a faith-based organisation, you will be only offering services to an exclusive part of society and not be open to other religions, beliefs and non-beliefs. In addition lesbians are not welcome in your facility.
"Home of Hope welcomes any woman who is truly committed to overcoming their addiction, irrespective of their beliefs. For clarity, our admission policy is as follows:
Home of Hope will assess applications from women on a case by case basis. Safety and risk management policies will be taken into consideration as well as the duty of care aspects relating to residents and their children.
Where places are available, Home of Hope endeavours to accept any applicant who is willing to work within the program guidelines which are informed by Christian principles.
For the avoidance of any doubt, identifying as a lesbian is not a reason why a person's application would be refused."
Question: What qualification(s) would those working at Home of Hope have?
All Program Staff
Cert IV Community Services, AOD (minimum may have higher qualifications)
12 month Global Teen Challenge (to deliver Teen Challenge curriculum)
First Aid Certification including defibrillation and anaphylactic response
Suicide prevention training
All Senior Staff
Currently undertaking or completed qualification (but not limited to) in any of the following areas Counselling, Case Management, AOD, Mental Health, Community Services, Youth Work and Childcare (Diploma level minimum)
Question: How many women will be in the program?
"Home of Hope is a 12 bed facility allowing for 12 women plus their children.
Question: What ages are the children that enter with their mums?
Girls up to 12 years old
Boys up to approx 8-9 years old
Question: Why are there age restrictions on children (9yo for boys and 12yo for girls) attending the program with their mothers at Home of Hope?
There are several reasons based on Developmental Stages of Children/Adolescents and also Risk Mitigation:
Environment - latter childhood to adolescent stages require the influence and involvement of strong positive males in their lives, particularly for boys 10yrs and older, to aid healthy development during this stage for many factors. Home of Hope is primarily a female dominated environment with staff and residents being female. We do not consider it beneficial to their healthy development to be in this environment without balanced male presence, which we cannot provide.
Puberty - for boys in particular the onset of puberty from 10 years is a factor that needs to be respectfully considered for their emotional and psychological well being. With the onset of puberty, erections/wet dreams etc in an environment surrounded by women, even sharing a room with female non-family members, we do not believe it to be an appropriate environment for them during this stage, they will require their own privacy and space which we cannot provide.
Risk Mitigation - evidence suggests that sexual abuse of children by other children or adolescents constitutes a significant proportion of child sexual offending*. Studies have shown the majority of these perpetrators are male 10-14yrs and female average 14yrs. The safety of the children at Home of Hope is our priority and we believe this measure is necessary in providing that added security.
* Just one of the documents on this topic (sexual abuse) click here
Each application for entry of women and their children is made on a case by case basis and is at the discretion of the Program Manager.
Question: What medical staff do you have?
"Home of Hope is based on a Therapeutic model not a medical model.
Firstly, any lady wishing to come into Home of Hope must undertake a complete physical and mental health assessment by a doctor to ensure they are able to be within the program. In layman's terms, if they are well enough to be at home, then they are well enough to be within our program. Where possible, those needing specific medical treatment that is beyond our scope of care will be assisted to help find another facility or treatment option.
Home of Hope would use a local Medical Centre and offer off-site GP services for day to day requirements. We would also engage the services of clinical psychologists for the provision of counselling, mental health assessments and treatment plans, as required."
Question: Would the women coming into the centre be on drugs?
"No. Let us explain the process undertaken by a lady entering Home of Hope.
When an applicant contacts Teen Challenge Tasmania, an intake officer conducts an assessment interview. They explain, in detail, all the aspects of the program and the journey ahead of them. We seek information from medical and legal practitioners to determine the appropriateness and eligibility of the person entering the program.
Once an application is processed, they are required to enter the transition phase. Those needing to be on the waiting list are enrolled in day programs. Once they have fulfilled all the necessary entrance requirements (including acceptance of the abstinence and faith based aspects of the program), the individual is eligible to enter rehabilitation. Detox must be completed prior to entering the program and is not completed on site.
Medical and Mental health clearances are required. These deem an applicant capable of operating within the program.
Before commencing the program proper the ladies must complete a 6 week transition group. This can be completed on or off-campus and is at the discretion of the Program Director."
Question: Is Teen Challenge Tasmania a Church?
"No. Teen Challenge Tasmania is a Christian based, Not-for-Profit Organisation, that is autonomous and independent of any denomination. It is not a Church.
Question: Is Teen Challenge Tasmania part of the "Assemblies of God"?
"No. Teen Challenge Tasmania is a non-denominational entity, therefore is autonomous and independent of any denomination.
Question: What is the relationship with Teen Challenge Tasmania and all other Teen Challenge entities around the globe?
"Teen Challenge Tasmania is a member of Teen Challenge Asia Pacific (TCAP), a region of Global Teen Challenge (GTC) which has started programs around the world, with 121 countries representing over 1200 programs. TCAP oversees Teen Challenge centres in the Asia Pacific region and ensures centres meet accreditation requirements. Teen Challenge centres under GTC are unaffiliated (though related in purpose) to Teen Challenge USA (representing 200 programs).
Through GTC membership each centre has access to Teen Challenge curriculum, expertise and training. Each centre is autonomous to the other and usually takes on the personality and direction of its Directors determined by the needs within the province it establishes.
In addition Teen Challenge Tasmania, is a member of Teen Challenge Australia Council (TCAC), where Australian, Executive Directors meet twice annually to discuss, support and assist each centre within Australia."
Question: What membership to peak body associations does Teen Challenge Tasmania have?
Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association (ATCA)
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Council of Tasmania (ATDC)
Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT)
Question: You quote a success rate of 70-86%. Where are the reports?
other Studies
Question: What is involved in your program?
"Each person's life journey is unique and therefore their journey to recovery also needs to be individualised. Our program offers a number of key learning areas however, each lady is managed on a case by case basis and therefore their personal program may vary to that of others within the centre. These learning areas include such things as: One-on-one mentoring and counselling, Stages of change, Cycles of addiction, Goal setting, Social skills - communication, conflict resolution, Self-identity, Relapse prevention, Understanding depression, anxiety, shame and anger, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Group therapy, Emotional intelligence ,Sexual Health, 12 step program, Boundaries, Character qualities, Self-esteem, Parenting, Family & relationships, Personal development, Work & responsibilities, Team work, Organized sports, Physical activity, Mindfulness, Relaxation techniques, Music. Our program is informed by Christian principles and includes Christian Content.
Question: What regulation will Home of Hope have?
"Teen Challenge Tasmania is an affiliate member of the Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association (ATCA). Once operational, Home of Hope will be working with ATCA to obtain full accreditation under their guidelines. In conjunction Home of Hope will be working to obtain ISO9001 Quality Assurance Standards.
Question: What connection does Teen Challenge Tasmania have with Live Free Tassie?
"No connection. For information regarding Live Free Tassie (closed), Launch Youth or any other programs run by Pathways Australia please contact them on 1300 212 212 or
Question: What does it cost someone to be in the Home of Hope program?
Teen Challenge Tasmania's Home of Hope is a not-for-profit program. Centrelink benefits are signed to the program with 85% contributing towards the program costs and 15% being placed in a student account for their personal needs. An entrance fee of $1500 per student and $100 per child applies on admittance. This fee contributes towards program running costs. Provision is made for those experiencing genuine financial hardship through our scholarship program and students can apply for a scholarship to cover this fee. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the program director and are managed on a case by case basis. We do not allow lack of finances to stop someone entering the program - it is not about money, it is about helping women get their lives back together. Outside the fees already stated, there are no additional costs to students in the program.
Question: Do you detox on site?
Detox is required prior to an individual entering our program and services within Tasmania are utilised. Each lady entering the program is drug tested upon arrival and at random intervals throughout their time within the program.Question: As a Christian Organisation, are your #NotEvenOnce® and Connections Mentoring programs which are delivered into secular Government Schools non-secular in content?No. We respect the secular environment of Government Schools both the #NotEvenOnce® Project and Connections Mentoring are secular programs. (non-secular options are available for non-secular Schools and Organisations upon request)
Learn more about Home of Hope, Women & Children's Centre by watching the video below
Playground at Home of Hope