Our Vision
A World Free of Addiction.
Thank you for taking the time to look at what Teen Challenge Tasmania is doing here in Tasmania, right now. I would like to take this opportunity to share a little about our journey and the heart of what motivates us to do what we do.
My husband, Peter and I, are incredibly passionate about our next generations and the world they will live in. We have a personal faith in Jesus, which is important to us. Through our own different journeys, it has shaped us to look outside ourselves and what we can do to help others. This has included using our own personal resources to do so.
Early Intervention & Prevention:
Before we considered opening a rehabilitation centre, we felt compelled to do something for our youth. Medical and scientific data shows that any drug, legal or illicit, including alcohol, introduced to a developing brain (up to 25y.o for females and 28y.o for males), will have an impact on it’s future potential.
In response, we took up the fight for the brains and future potential of our precious young people from the dealers and scourge of the drug world, within our communities.
Having seen kids as young as 8 years old being given ICE (methamphetamine) by dealers (sometimes their own parents) to activate addiction and deal to their own friends as a source of income for the adults, we couldn’t sit back and ignore what was happening. We will lose a whole generation if we don't do something.
So we created and implemented our Early Intervention projects:
Connections Mentoring Projects (2012/13)
#NotEvenOnce® AOD Education & Resilience Building Projects (2014/15)
Solutions Program (2021)
Meaningful Art Youth Art Therapy Groups (2022)
Arrowsmith Program (2022)
Hope Costumes & Thrift Store (Social Enterprise) (2018)
Hope Cafe Tasmania (Social Enterprise) (2023)
Today we have helped just over 243 young Tasmanians in our mentoring program. Our mentors positively impact the lives of young people every week, to reach their full potential and engage in their education.
Our #NotEvenOnce® Projects have reached, educated and encouraged just over 152,000 young people, teachers, parents, sporting club and community members, here in Tasmania, nationally and internationally.
AOD Rehabilitation:
Initially, it was our intention to open a men’s centre and follow the traditional pathway, modelled by other Teen Challenge Centres throughout Australia.
We soon realised however, that the greater need here in Tasmania was for a women and children’s centre, with most of the people seeking help being either youth or women with children. We literally had nowhere to send them and it broke my heart - in order for these mum’s to get help, they had no choice but to give up their children.
So, true to style, we got out there and we are doing something about it. Home of Hope will be the fruit of years of prayer and hard work. We believe that for women who are hurting, Home of Hope, will provide hope once more to those who have all but given up.
This will be more than just a facility, it will be a place where lives are transformed, where the chains of addiction are broken and where women and children are empowered to lead the lives that they were destined to live.
We strive to empower and equip our young people with resilience, to choose a healthier life path and provide hope to those who have already fallen over the cliff into addiction.
Our dream is to see an end to the need for rehabilitation services. It is an industry born out of necessity and out of people’s misery.
As an organisation, our vision is to see "A World free from addiction" with future generations living ‘free from addiction’, who are ‘successful’ and contributing members of society and who live a life of ‘significance’, steering others away from the same path they took.
We also don't keep our sights of educating and empowering young people, parents and communities just at home in Tasmania, we believe there is value in these approaches within the international community too.
If we can make a difference to just one person, we know we are doing the right thing.
If you would like further information or to discuss any aspect of our vision, I would love to speak with you personally.
Together we can be part of many new miracles!
Tanya Cavanagh
Executive Director, Teen Challenge Tasmania
Photo by borchee/iStock / Getty Images
Our Vision Statement
"A World Free from Addiction"
Our Mission Statement
"A Christ centred ministry preventing addiction and transforming lives"
Our Programs Mission Statements
"Empowering future generations against substance abuse to protect their potential”
Connections Mentoring
“Encouraging life ready young people through positive role modelling relationships”
Hope Cafe tasmania and Hope Costumes & Thrift Store (Social Enterprises)
“Equipping work & life ready young people through relationship, training and support through social enterprise”
“Overcoming learning disabilities by strengthening brains to positively engage with education and life”
Home of hope
“Transforming the lives of women and their children to break generational chains of addiction”
Our Core Values
Faith Believing God for the impossible
Integrity Being honest, open and trustworthy
Servanthood Dedicating ourselves to the success of others
Excellence Giving our best for the glory of God
Compassion Embracing hope, love and restoration
Our Program Goals
Freedom Educate people to live a life free from drugs and addiction
Success Encourage people to live a successful life as a positive, contributing member of society
Significance Empower people to be a person of significance to reach someone else to not go down the destructive path of addiction
Tanya Cavanagh, Executive Director, Teen Challenge Tasmania and husband Peter Ferrall.